Logotipo de la Clínica Dental SALVADOR GARCÍA

At the aesthetic level, there may be abnormalities due to a poor position of the teeth, abnormalities in the gums and / or bone, abnormalities in color or shape.

Thus, different branches of dentistry will offer solutions to each case:

  • Orthodontics: when there are bite problems or the teeth are not well aligned.
  • Periodontics: when the aesthetic problem comes from problems in the gums: short or very long teeth, interdental spaces, etc.
  • Whitening: it is the solution to choose when we only want to change the color of the teeth.
  • color or shape of the anterior teeth.
  • DSD (Digital Smile Design): Design the smile you’ve always wanted using the most avant-garde system currently available.

Request your free appointment so that we can assess your case.

The 1st visit, oral cleaning and X-rays are free

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Dental veneers

What are they

Dental veneers are very thin sheets that are placed in the visible part of the tooth.

Veneers can be made in two different materials:

  • Composite veneers (they are made with the same material that we make fillings or fillings).
  • Porcelain veneers (made in the laboratory).


Dental veneers are indicated when we want to modify both the color and shape of the tooth. They can be used to treat dental fractures, excessively dark or yellow teeth, teeth that are smaller than normal, to cover deviations and interdental spaces, or to treat spaces between teeth without the need for orthodontics.


Composite veneers:

They are made of composite resins. They are made directly on the tooth and hardened with LED light. They are cheaper and faster but offer less durability and aesthetics.


Porcelain veneers:

They are made with thin layers of porcelain. They are custom made in the laboratory from an impression or scan of the patient’s mouth. They offer greater aesthetics and durability.

Frequent questions

How long do veneers last?

It depends on the material from which they are made. Composite veneers can last 5-10 years. The durability of porcelain veneers is greater, being able to last between 10 and 15 years. This will obviously depend on its correct care and maintenance and it is very important to go for periodic reviews.


Is the treatment painful?

No. Veneer placement is painless and is usually done without anesthesia. Some patients report some totally temporary sensitivity.


Should I have any special care?

In general, proper dental hygiene is sufficient. You do have to be careful with very hard foods.

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