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The objective of endodontics is to extend the life of the infected tooth, restoring its aesthetic and chewing function. Preserving your own tooth is always the best option, with endodontics always being the treatment of choice before tooth extraction and replacement with an implant.

At Salvador García Dental Center we use the most modern endodontic diagnostic and treatment techniques to achieve the best results in shorter treatment times for the patient.

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The 1st visit, oral cleaning and X-rays are free

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When is a root canal needed?

When the pulp is irreversibly affected by deep caries or trauma. In these cases, the tooth becomes sensitive to cold, heat or chewing, which can cause intense pain that can be intermittent or constant. Sometimes the tooth may change color or a phlegmon may appear.

On some occasions, endodontics may be recommended for teeth that require exhaustive carving for the subsequent placement of crowns or bridges. It can also be indicated in teeth with periodontal lesions.

Does a root canal tooth need any special care?

The tooth will behave the same as the others once the treatment is finished. Because they are sometimes teeth with large restorations, it may be advisable to protect them later with ceramic crowns or inlays that increase their resistance.

How do you do root canals at Centro Dental Salvador García?

Regarding the diagnostic techniques, we combined the use of digital apex locators and digital radiology. Thanks to the use of these techniques, the patient receives a minimum dose of radiation, the endodontist obtains more accurate results and the time that the patient has to be with the mouth open is shortened.

As for state-of-the-art treatment techniques, we use rotary instrumentation systems and files made of superelastic alloys, which provide greater accuracy and efficiency in the treatment, minimizing the possibility of accidents and allowing us to offer an excellent result.

Is there an alternative to endodontics?

The alternative is extraction and since this is an irreversible fact, we will always propose the endodontics first. At present, there is nothing that offers a better chance of success than preserving your own tooth if the treatment is carried out properly.

Can a root canal be performed with a phlegmon?

Yes. In most cases, opening and cleaning the canals of the tooth helps to resolve the phlegmon, considerably improving pain and inflammation.

How many sessions are necessary?

Most treatments can be performed in a single session, although in some cases two or more sessions may be necessary, always at the discretion of the endodontist.

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