Logotipo de la Clínica Dental SALVADOR GARCÍA

What treatments are carried out?

The General Dentist is usually in charge of primary treatments such as fillings (fillings), reconstructions of teeth with fixed or removable prostheses (crowns or bridges), sealing fissures, placement of discharge splints, extractions or extractions, endodontics, among others. .

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Most common general dental diseases


Dental caries involves the destruction of hard dental tissues (enamel and dentin) by bacterial activity in the oral cavity. These bacteria produce, from food remains, acids that attack and demineralize the enamel, managing to perforate the tooth and reach the pulp.

The treatment of caries from its origin is crucial to avoid the appearance of more serious problems, since its uncontrolled progress can cause the total loss of the tooth or complicate with other oral pathologies with a worse prognosis and more invasive treatment.

The action of cariogenic bacteria and the dental deterioration that it produces is highly influenced by external factors that can enhance its corrosive activity, such as inadequate dental hygiene, unbalanced diets rich in sugars and starches, inadequate production of saliva, dry mouth and lack of fluoride.

Tips to prevent cavities

  • Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day for 2 minutes.
  • Choose toothpastes and mouthwashes that contain fluoride
  • Change your toothbrush every 3 months. Take advantage of the change of season so as not to forget it.
  • Incorporate dental floss into your routine oral hygiene habits to avoid interproximal cavities.
  • If you have a tendency to cavities, get dental fissure sealing treatments, which will form protective barriers and hinder their formation.
  • Avoid excessive consumption of sugars and carbonated drinks as well as snacking between meals.
  • Avoid bad habits like alcohol and tobacco.
  • Follow a balanced diet rich in vitamins.
  • Drink water after eating food
  • Visit your dentist regularly, at least once every 6 months. It will review your dental health, detecting any problems in time and, if necessary, will thoroughly heal the state of your mouth with professional dental hygiene.


Gingivitis is one of the most common oral problems. It is a mild inflammation of the gums that causes discomfort, bleeding and irritation. In the vast majority of cases, it is caused by not brushing our teeth enough, but, although it is a reversible problem, we must take it seriously because if we let it evolve it can turn into periodontal disease, a problem that is more difficult to solve and that If left untreated, it can sometimes lead to total loss of teeth.

Gingivitis symptoms

  • Inflammation and loss of the light pink color of the gums.
  • Bleeding when brushing or flossing
  • Bad breath
  • Receding gums
  • Possibility of the appearance of tooth sensitivity

How does Gingivitis occur?

If we don’t brush our teeth properly, plaque builds up on them. This plaque is a kind of invisible sticky film full of bacteria that must be removed daily. If we don’t, this plaque will eventually harden, turning into tartar that accumulates under the gums. This tartar makes it more difficult to remove plaque and also protects bacteria. As a result, the gums become inflamed and begin to cause discomfort and bleeding. If we do not solve the problem in time and allow the problem to establish itself, the inflammation will cause the loss of those gums and the bone underneath, thus initiating periodontal disease.

What Causes Gingivitis?

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Misaligned teeth: they make it difficult to clean them properly and therefore favor the accumulation of plaque and tartar and with it the development of gum diseases.
  • Tobacco
  • Age
  • Dry mouth
  • Diet poor in fruits and vitamins
  • Diseases that affect immunity such as HIV or leukemia
  • Hormonal changes such as those that occur in pregnancy.

Tips to prevent Gingivitis

  • Keep an eye on your dental hygiene. Not only in the amount of brushing but in the quality of them.
  • Choose a suitable toothbrush for your gums and change it when the bristles lose efficiency.
  • Don’t forget interdental hygiene. Use interproximal brushes and dental floss to reach hard-to-reach areas.
  • Treat crowding problems. Poorly aligned teeth can prevent proper oral hygiene.
  • Improve the health of your gums with the use of dental irrigators. The use of pressurized water facilitates the elimination of food remains, especially in patients with dental prostheses. It also helps reduce gum bleeding and inflammation.

How is Gingivitis treated?

Suele resolverse con facilidad realizando una limpieza profesional en la consulta y mejorando los hábitos de higiene, usando el hilo dental y una pasta y enjuague específicos para las encías.

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